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Columbus show was PERFECT! (semi-spoiler)

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:18 pm
by Tinkertoy Drummer
THANK YOU RUSH for letting us celebrate 30 years with you! And for adding Between the Wheels. I always thought it would sound great live, and it just blew the roof off. I also can't say enough about the entire setlist. Yes we all have our favorites (I'd pay an extra $50 to hear Time Stand Still), but the songs are a perfect blend of old and new, pulling from nearly every album. The Feedback songs ROCK. I was glad to hear those as well as Mystic Rhythms, Red Sector A, Bravado and Earthshine. Oh, and the tour book is VERY nice!

It's always fun to see how they change bits and pieces of songs from the sealed perfection found on studio tracks. Add to that the eye candy on the screens and you're in for a ride. I loved the "look" of the split screens and how it balanced the stage out well. The movies were hilarious, esp. the bobbleheads! Also got a kick out of the snack machine. I really wanted to bring my 3D giant tinkertoy (Diff. Stages) to hold up but figured it wouldn't pass security. :roll:

And what was the deal with eveyone leaving during Bravado??? It wasn't far into the show, yet many people either forgot to potty beforehand, or decided that it was a good time to buy a shirt. :evil: I swear Neil and I exchanged a look of "what the hell?" during that, because he clearly looked up and watched the hundreds (it FELT like that anyways) of souls leave their seats. Bravado, to me, is one of the most beautiful songs to come from this trio. Very melodic, and inspiring as well (much like The Pass). I just can't thank them enough for playing it the last 2 tours. Anyways, that was the only odd moment I picked up on (aside from being surrounded by tons of people who must have mistaken this for a Celine Dion concert.......I was the only one in my section rockin along to everything, lyrics and drum parts included!).

I was hoping to catch another show this tour, so if anyone remotely close to Ohio has extras (preferrably for a weekend) LMK! What's really frustrating is that I had the $$ set aside this year for a close seat, but even the Fan Club presale falls short. My goal is to see them from less than, say, 30 rows out before I die......anyone have suggestions? LOL.

Enjoy the tour everyone!

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:27 pm
by *Lifesonite
Bravado is great, people just suck! :evil:



Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 11:42 pm
by Death Rattle
Sounds like you had a great time, thats awesome.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 6:28 am
by schuette
I hate when ppl get up to do something during a gig.........why pay all that money then miss have of the bloody gig!........some ppl are mad...

Glad you enjoyed the show.........I'm on the countdown ....about 3 and a half months to go.......jings that seems like an eternity away!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 7:50 am
by awip2062
I know I won't be leaving during Bravado! That is one of my favourite Rush songs.

How much did the tour book cost, anyway?

Oh! And thanks so much for the review of the gig. I want to read all the reviews I can before it is my turn (and after too).

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:00 am
by Mr. Potatoe Head
Thanks, Tinkertoy Drummer!

Sounds like you had a good time. Remember any of Alexs rant? I'd like to hear that. Las Vegas got extra tickets for that if it helps?

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 11:27 am
by Unit One
The Columbus show was awesome! I was wondering if there was anyone from here that went. Drummer, you've must of been up close to exchange looks with Neil? I was in row 24, in section C (Alex's side). When Geddy came down the side ramp, we were almost face-to-face.

It seems like the people around me where true fans of the band. We were all shouting out the names of the album, during the opening movie. Did you hear the crowd in the back singing "YYZ"?

Here is the "La Villa" rant, from what I remember of it:

Lerxst started singing with the notes from his guitar. "Bah - bah - bah
- bah....", a few times, then ended with: "Bah bah bah black sheep."
After which he started to tell a story about how a sheep was driving a
bus, which he thought was odd, because the goat was supposed to be
driving the bus! Then, he asked how can goats drive a bus, and then was
trying to figure out how a goat keeps receipts. He didn't know where a
goat would keep them, and asked the audience, "DO YOU??" The band went
back into the song, and Alex pointed out a stuffed-animal goat sitting
on top of his amp, with the tag hanging off it's ear.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 12:12 pm
by Mr. Potatoe Head
:lol: thanks Unit One 8)

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 1:01 pm
by Tinkertoy Drummer
Uh, yeah......what Unit One said. LOL The goat thing was a riot. Then again, we're talking about Alex here!

Tour books are $20 and include thousands of photos, plus the guys talk about the equipment they are using. Neil's new set is striking with all that gold on it! Love the skull theme too.

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 1:06 pm
by Soup4Rush
Indy show is tommorrow, I am geeked... taking the day of and going down about 10AM or so.. any clues how to obtain meet and greet passes and when they do sound checks and if that is open to the public

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 5:33 pm
by Death Rattle
Unit One wrote:Lerxst started singing with the notes from his guitar. "Bah - bah - bah
- bah....", a few times, then ended with: "Bah bah bah black sheep."
After which he started to tell a story about how a sheep was driving a
bus, which he thought was odd, because the goat was supposed to be
driving the bus! Then, he asked how can goats drive a bus, and then was
trying to figure out how a goat keeps receipts. He didn't know where a
goat would keep them, and asked the audience, "DO YOU??" The band went
back into the song, and Alex pointed out a stuffed-animal goat sitting
on top of his amp, with the tag hanging off it's ear.
Haha, Alex rules :D

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2004 1:29 pm
by 2112X1mbh
hey unit one and tink, and all else, My best friend and I really had a great time at the Columbus show as well. Due to traffic and travelling 1.5 hours, we almost missed them coming on the stage. We got to our seats as the music was sounding off and then they entered the stage. I had the perfect angle of watching Neil running onto the stage, so I was most happy. :wink: I never missed a song, not once even left until intermission, and I as well was kinda miffed at all the people leaving during their "non fav" song. But then again, I NEVER want to miss any moment of them performing ANY show at all! I even passed going to the bathroom coming into the place for fear I would miss them running out on stage! Tink, I was gonna go to your section and start to call out your name, but I decided I had better pass so I wouldn't look like a fool yelling out, "tinkertoy drummer! Where are you?" BUt i did happen to run into Zivo.....he was like 2 rows in front of me and I recognized him from his pic posted here! I was very happy to finally meet someone from bytor face to face! Nice to meet ya Zivo!!! :D We will meet again in Toronto!!!

And as usual, Neil's drum solo was to die for! I thought my heart was going to stop while watching him in his awesomeness!!!

I really liked the changes they had made in the videos, intermission, song additions as well as the lighting and the lead in to the drum solo. They never cease to amaze me, and I will continue to enjoy them whenever they tour again! And, of course, enjoy them later this year in NJ and Toronto!