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Posted: Sat Jun 10, 2006 4:10 pm
by rushlight
Same here. It was advertised in the paper and they showed it on telly.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:02 am
by Slaine mac Roth
I must confess that I'm not a massive football fan but, once the endless hype (which really pisses me off) is over and done with and the actual tournament begins, I do get quite into the World Cup.
Ogg, Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:38 pm wrote: I've just watched the opening game with hosts Germany trouncing Costa Rica 4-2 with with a louster of a goal by Germany's midfielder 'Frings'
I didn't actually watch the game but, from all accounts, I missed a pretty good one unlike many of the dour and boring tactical battles that typify the opening of the tournament.
Middle Kingdom, Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:46 pm wrote: I've read it's a livelier ball?
I would gues that's to increase scoring, and thus, interest
Actually, its more likely that FIFA are a bunch of meddling pillocks that just can't leave things be and have to keep tinkering with the rules. In addition, its clear that they don't like goalkeepers. If you read the final chapter of his autobiography Banksy, Gordon Banks (in my opinion the greatest goalkeeper to EVER set foot on a football pitch) has a bit to say about the way FIFA keeps making the ball lighter. What gets me, though, is the latest FIFA directive that any lunging tackle, even if the player gets the ball and not the man, is to be considered 'dangerous play' and is an immediate red card offence. This is clearly a conspiracy against British and Irish player for whom that sort of challenge is an integral part of the game. Funny, I thought Football was a physical game. Or are they trying to Americanise it so our players wear padding the way theirs do to play rugby :-D .
Ogg, Sat Jun 10, 2006 3:04 pm wrote: Here we go once again, another major footy tournament and England, so full of talent and promise deliver yet another indifferent lacklustre performance. A third minute own goal saved this farce from the 0-0 score it so deserved. So England bags the three points 0-1 but with star striker Owen?s injury, Gerrard and Crouch's yellow cards only furthered to taint this dire display. No sign of the seventeen year old wonder kid Theo Walcott with the sub Hargreaves doing little to enhance his already non-existent reputation
I'm not sure that I agree with you 100% there Ogg. True, England's second half performance was dismal largely due to Owen's withdrawal from the game. Is he actually injured or is it just a lack of match fitness which could well prove problematic for England especially as it could well affect Rooney as well - admittedly, they are two of the best English strikers but is it logical to take two men who are not 100% match fit?

I watched the match on both BBC (live) and ITV(highlights) and was struck by how differently the two commentators interpreted Frank Lampard's performance. John Motson was full of praise for Lampard although he considered his shots on goal to be easy tasks for the keeper to deal with. On the hand, whatever prat was commentating for ITV (and let's face, if Clive Tildsley is their top commentator, they are in trouble as the man is a moron), was very dismissive of Lampard and thought the goalkeeper pulled off two spectacular saves.

Plus, I'm sure we'll be seeing Robinson's goalkick on a future 'A Question of Sport' in the 'What happened next round'. :-D
Devil's Advocate, Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:21 pm wrote:
Bah. England are the Arch Enemy. We want them to lose.
Oh, go back to bothering sheep :D :D and maybe you'll have a team someday

The biggest disapointment I've had was the fact that a superb performance by the Ivory Coast went unrewarded (and not just because it was against Argentina), especially since the winning goal, in my opinion, was off-side. I suppose, in a way, the Ivorian physio is partially relieved that they didn't win - if they had, he would have been busy this morning treating all the injuries cuased by the Argentines kicking anything that moves as they tend to do when losing.
Ogg, Fri Jun 09, 2006 6:38 pm wrote: Of course the Brazillians are expected to win
Then again, the Brazillians are expected to win every year. If you listen to all the 'experts', there's no point in any other team turning up as the Brazillians will just walk all over them. Personally, Brazil are among the three teams I always hope will get thrashed (the others being Argentina because they're cheating bastards and France because they're just bastards :x ) due to the syncophantic attitude towards them. I really don't find the Brazillian style of football to be that entertaining - I'd much rather see a fast flowing, end to end, intensely physical challange as opposed to seeing a player stand with the ball at his feet for five minutes before strolling half-a-dozen paces, stopping again and kicking the ball back into his own half ad nauseum. I will say that Argentina/Ivory coast was the sort of game I like - it was fast, it was open, it was thrilling and, on the whole, it was played fairly and with a spirit of sportsmanship. Let's hope we have more like it.

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:37 am
by YYZ30
T&T0 Sweden 0

That was a helluva game yesterday

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:55 am
by rushlight
Slaine mac Roth wrote:
Devil's Advocate, Sat Jun 10, 2006 5:21 pm wrote:
Bah. England are the Arch Enemy. We want them to lose.
Oh, go back to bothering sheep :D :D and maybe you'll have a team someday

He likes to bother sheep AND me. :razz: :twisted:

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:10 pm
by Ogg
I will have to contribute tomorrow as the woman requires attention. I do believe us Brits have taken over this 'sport's section :-D .
Slaine mac Roth wrote:...the others being Argentina because they're cheating bastards and France because they're just bastards...
:-D :-D :-D ROFLMAO! :-D :-D :-D .
awip2062 wrote:Ogg, I will have you know that our small local radio station actually has been informing us of this tourny. I was quite surprised to hear them talking about it.
'small' radio station, it's known as the 'WORLD' cup and is probably (besides the Olympics) the biggest sporting, in the world.
It's a shame you Americans can display such ignorance at times :-) .
Devil's Advocate wrote:Bah. England are the Arch Enemy. We want them to lose. :twisted:
I thought it was the Scots who held such emnity towards us, not the Welsh...I like the Welsh!...and love the accent too :-) .

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:25 pm
by Middle Kingdom
Czech Republic 3 US 0

With Italy in this group, US chances of advancing are close to nil.

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 12:58 pm
by YYZ30
Middle Kingdom wrote:Czech Republic 3 US 0

With Italy in this group, US chances of advancing are close to nil.

Agreed, sadly.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:42 am
by schuette
I was down England for the England game......jings I slagged the guys next to us (who were english) they were cheering and I was like 'it was an own goal'...obviously the only way England can win ;) :razz:


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:03 pm
by rushlight
I'd like to see Wales send a team in and see if they kick bum or get their bum kicked. :twisted: :bootyshake:

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:20 pm
by Soup4Rush
The US needs to stick with the NFL.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:31 pm
by YYZ30
Soup4Rush wrote:The US needs to stick with the NFL.
The US team had a severe case of rectal cranial inversion, which they better get rid of against the Azzuri

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:59 pm
by CygnusX1
We got our asses handed to us on a plate! :shock: YIKES!!

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:59 pm
by Slaine mac Roth
schuette wrote:...obviously the only way England can win ;) :razz:
At least we can qualify :-D

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:02 pm
by Soup4Rush
I am not sure what I will do if the Americans lose their soccer match. :roll:

riot I guess. :razz: :-D

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 2:06 pm
by YYZ30
Soup4Rush wrote:I am not sure what I will do if the Americans lose their soccer match. :roll:

riot I guess. :razz: :-D
Unlike the Hooligans eh?