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Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:50 am
by awip2062
What a bummer for we the people. This is messing with "us" getting real work done. I want men of character in office!

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:18 am
by CygnusX1
Think about this...

What A Difference An Administration Makes

January 20, 2008:
Outgoing President George W. Bush quietly boards his helicopter and
leaves for Texas, commenting only: "Today is not about me. Today is a
historical day for our nation and people."

Eight years ago:
Outgoing President Bill Clinton schedules two separate radio addresses to
the nation, and organizes a public farewell speech/rally in downtown
Washington D.C., scheduled to directly conflict with incoming President
Bush's inauguration ceremony.

Jan. 20, 2008:
President Bush leaves office without issuing a single Presidential pardon,
only granting a commutation of sentence to two former Border Patrol
agents convicted of shooting a convicted drug smuggler. He does not
grant any type of clemency to Scooter Libby or any other former political
aide, ally, or business partner.

Eight years ago:
President Clinton issues 140 pardons and several commutations of
sentence on his final day in office. Included in these are: Billionaire
financier, convicted tax evader, and leading Democratic campaign
contributor Marc Rich; Whitewater scandal figure Susan McDougal;
Congressional Post Office Scandal figure and former Democratic
Congressman Dan Rostenkowski; convicted bank fraud, sexual assault
and child porn perpetrator and former Democratic Congressman Melvin
Reynolds and convicted drug felon Roger Clinton, the President's

January 20, 2008:
The Bush daughters leave gift baskets in the White House bedrooms
for the Obama daughters, containing flowers, candy, stuffed animals,
DVD's and CD's, and heartfelt notes of encouragement and advice for
the young girls on how to prepare for their new lives in the White House.

Eight years ago:
Clinton and Gore staffers rip computer wires and electrical outlets from
the White House walls, stuff piles of notebook papers into the White
House toilets, systematically remove the letter "W" from every computer
keyboard in the entire White House, and damage several thousand
dollars' worth of furniture in the White House master bedroom.

Headlines 4 Years Ago:

"Republicans spending $42 million on inauguration while troops Die in
unarmored Humvees"

"Bush extravagance exceeds any reason during tough economic times"

"Fat cats get their $42 million inauguration party, Ordinary Americans get
the shaft"

Headlines Today:

"Historic Obama Inauguration will cost only $170 million"

"Obama Spends $170 million on inauguration; America Needs A Big Party"

"Everyman Obama shows America how to celebrate"

"Citibank executives contribute $8 million to Obama inauguration"

Think about that, and the big fat double-standard.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:29 am
by Sir Myghin
CygnusX1 wrote:Think about this...

Think about that, and the big fat double-standard.
The days of common sense are long past gone. A shame really.

Posted: Thu Feb 19, 2009 10:37 am
by CygnusX1
Sir Myghin wrote:
CygnusX1 wrote:Think about this...

Think about that, and the big fat double-standard.
The days of common sense are long past gone. A shame really.
There are glimmers of hope Myg.

Obama is not going through with the "Censorship" (Fairness) Doctrine, so
that's a plus.

Whoopi Goldberg admitted she was wrong to Bill O'Reilly on national TV

People are just getting sick and tired of the secular-progressivism and
finally speaking up about it. Wrong is wrong.

Take the 13-year-old father in England....

You should hear the outrage here Bro! That's refreshing, even if it's okay
with the Brits over there. I'm impressed. Wrong is wrong.

Time to play the lotto, folks. We got a blue moon risin' for once. :headbang:

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:30 am
by Big Blue Owl
Published on Sunday, February 22, 2009 by
Fox News "War Games" the Coming Civil War

by Glenn Greenwald

Bill Clinton's election in 1992 gave rise to the American "militia movement": hordes of overwhelmingly white, middle-aged men from suburban and rural areas who convinced themselves they were defending the American way of life from the "liberals" and "leftists" running the country by dressing up in military costumes on weekends, wobbling around together with guns, and play-acting the role of patriot-warriors. Those theater groups -- the cultural precursor to George Bush's prancing 2003 performance dressed in a fighter pilot outfit on Mission Accomplished Day -- spawned the decade of the so-called "Angry White Male," the movement behind the 1994 takeover of the U.S. Congress by Newt Gingrich and his band of federal-government-cursing, play-acting-tough-guy, pseudo-revolutionaries.

What was most remarkable about this allegedly "anti-government" movement was that -- with some isolated and principled exceptions -- it completely vanished upon the election of Republican George Bush, and it stayed invisible even as Bush presided over the most extreme and invasive expansion of federal government power in memory. Even as Bush seized and used all of the powers which that movement claimed in the 1990s to find so tyrannical and unconstitutional -- limitless, unchecked surveillance activities, detention powers with no oversight, expanding federal police powers, secret prison camps, even massively exploding and debt-financed domestic spending -- they meekly submitted to all of it, even enthusiastically cheered it all on.

They're the same people who embraced and justified full-scale, impenetrable federal government secrecy and comprehensive domestic spying databases conducted in the dark and against the law when perpetrated by a Republican President -- but have spent the last week flamboyantly pretending to be scandalized and outraged by the snooping which Bill Moyers did 45 years ago (literally) as part of a Democratic administration. They're the people who relentlessly opposed and impugned Clinton's military deployments and then turned around and insisted that only those who are anti-American would question or oppose Bush's decision to start wars.

They're the same people who believed that Bill Clinton's use of the FISA court to obtain warrants to eavesdrop on Americans was a grave threat to liberty, but believed that George Bush's warrantless eavesdropping on Americans in violation of the law was a profound defense of freedom. In sum, they dressed up in warrior clothing to fight against Bill Clinton's supposed tyranny, and then underwent a major costume change on January 20, 2001, thereafter dressing up in cheerleader costumes to glorify George Bush's far more extreme acquisitions of federal power.

In doing so, they revealed themselves as motivated by no ideological principles or political values of any kind. It was a purely tribalistic movement motivated by fear of losing its cultural and demographic supremacy. In that sense -- the only sense that mattered -- George Bush was one of them, even though, with his actions, he did everything they long claimed to fear and despise. Nonetheless, his mere occupancy of the White House was sufficient to pacify them and convert them almost overnight from limited-government militants into foot soldiers supporting the endless expansion of federal government power.

But now, only four weeks into the presidency of Barack Obama, they are back -- angrier and more chest-beating than ever. Actually, the mere threat of an Obama presidency was enough to revitalize them from their eight-year slumber, awaken them from their camouflaged, well-armed suburban caves. The disturbingly ugly atmosphere that marked virtually every Sarah Palin rally had its roots in this cultural resentment, which is why her fear-mongering cultural warnings about his exotic, threatening otherness -- he's a Muslim-loving, Terrorist-embracing, Rev.-Wright-following Marxist: who is the real Barack Obama? -- resonated so stingingly with the rabid lynch mobs that cheered her on.

With Obama now actually in the Oval Office -- and a financial crisis in full force that is generating the exact type of widespread, intense anxiety that typically inflames these cultural resentments -- their mask is dropping, has dropped, and they've suddenly re-discovered their righteous "principles." The week-long CNBC Revolt of the Traders led by McCain voter Rick Santelli and the fledgling little Tea Party movement promoted by the Michelle Malkins of the world are obvious outgrowths of this 1990s mentality, now fortified by the most powerful fuel: deep economic fear. But as feisty and fire-breathing as those outbursts are, nothing can match -- for pure, illustrative derangement -- the discussion below from Glenn Beck's new Fox show this week, in which he and an array of ex-military and CIA guests ponder (and plot and plan) "war games" for the coming Civil War against Obama-led tyranny. It really has to be seen to be believed.

Before presenting that to you, a few caveats are in order: There is nothing inherently wrong or illegitimate with citizens expressing extreme anger towards the Government and the ruling political class. There isn't even anything wrong or illegitimate with citizens organizing themselves into a movement that -- whether by design or effect -- is threatening to entrenched elites. If anything, we've had too little of that. In fact, it's only a complete lack of fear of a meek, passive and impotent citizenry on the part of political and financial rulers -- a certainty that there will be no consequences no matter what they do -- that could have given rise to the endless corruption, deceit, lawbreaking, destruction, and outright thievery of the last eight years. A political and financial elite that perceives itself as invulnerable from threat or consequence will inevitably vest itself with more power and more riches. That's what we've had and, largely, still have.

But this Rush-Limbaugh/Fox-News/nationalistic movement isn't driven by anything noble or principled or even really anything political. If it were, they would have been extra angry and threatening and rebellious during the Bush years instead of complicit and meek and supportive to the point of cult-like adoration. Instead, they're just basically Republican dead-enders (at least what remains of the regional/extremist GOP), grounded in tribal allegiances that are fueled by their cultural, ethnic and religious identities and by perceived threats to past prerogatives -- now spiced with legitimate economic anxiety and an African-American President who, they were continuously warned for the last two years, is a Marxist, Terrorist-sympathizing black nationalist radical who wants to re-distribute their hard-earned money to welfare queens and illegal immigrants (and is now doing exactly that).

That's the context for this Glenn Beck "War Games" show on Fox News this week -- one promoted, with some mild and obligatory caveats, by Michelle Malkin's Hot Air. In the segment below, he convened a panel that includes former CIA officer Michael Scheuer and Ret. U.S. Army Sgt. Major Tim Strong. They discuss a coming "civil war" led by American "Bubba" militias -- Beck says he "believes we're on this road" -- and they contemplate whether the U.S. military would follow the President's orders to subdue civil unrest or would instead join with "the people" in defense of their Constitutional rights against the Government (they agree that the U.S. military would be with "the people"): ... =undefined

They don't seem very interested in bipartisanship and in transcending ideological divisions.

Immediately prior to that segment, Fox viewers were warned (as usual) that the unruly, uncivilized, violent Muslims are coming, and only Benjamin Netanyahu will be able to subdue them with a massive attack: ... =undefined

In one sense, all of this drooling rage is nothing more than the familiar face of extreme right-wing paranoia, as Richard Hofstadter famously described 45 years ago:

The paranoid spokesman sees the fate of conspiracy in apocalyptic terms?he traffics in the birth and death of whole worlds, whole political orders, whole systems of human values. He is always manning the barricades of civilization. He constantly lives at a turning point. Like religious millenialists he expresses the anxiety of those who are living through the last days and he is sometimes disposed to set a date fort the apocalypse. (?Time is running out,? said Welch in 1951. ?Evidence is piling up on many sides and from many sources that October 1952 is the fatal month when Stalin will attack.?)

But it's now inflamed by declining imperial power, genuine economic crises, an exotic Other occupying the White House, and potent technology harnessed by right-wing corporations such as Fox News to broadcast and disseminate it widely and continuously. At the very least, it's worth taking note of. And I wonder what would happen if MSNBC broadcast a similar discussion of leftists plotting and planning the imminent, violent Socialist Revolution against the U.S. Government.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:00 am
by Walkinghairball
Wow, there is a lot of hate in there. :razz: :-D

It's what makes me hate politics so much. Not just the left lean it has, but the right lean that will oppose it. GAH.......... I hate political mudslinging. Oh well, like I can stop it. Hell I have thrown my hand full in a few times too.
At the very least, it's worth taking note of. And I wonder what would happen if MSNBC broadcast a similar discussion of leftists plotting and planning the imminent, violent Socialist Revolution against the U.S. Government.
Question, did you forget your smilie face, I am pretty good at knowing when you are leg pullin and being snarkie. :-D :-D :-D

Ok, back to staying out of politics again for me...........for a litle while.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:15 am
by Big Blue Owl
Leon, this isn't mudslinging or hate. This is a very clear and comprehensive explanation as to why the right so vehemently hates Obama, liberals, the stimulus, etc.
I couldn't BELIEVE when I saw this Glenn Beck episode and wondered WTF, is this some kind of joke? Am I on Candid Camera and they are just waiting for me to explode and start smashing shit up? Then I saw this article and it explained many things. My main question was "How can the right think so badly of Obama after only 1 month?" "How can they be so frightened of the things we are forced to do to save our country from collapse?"

I love people. Love 'em all, no matter how many middle fingers they have, no matter which God or potentate they worship. Love ya, all who oppose me.
If read without dubiousness and snarkality this piece is enlightening no matter where your loyalties lie. It's about time that some of the angst and immovable stubbornness of the minority party was brought to light and explained plainly. Did you watch those videos of the GB show? You may vomit profusely if in possession of any compassion for people that transcends party lines.

So every time I see a post about "The end of civilization as we know it" and " They are taking all of my money and giving it to Tyrone" or "The left are all evil and only doing these things to bolster the Democratic party" I will think of this article and the Glenn Beck/Fox News crap fest and be brought back down to earth without smashing everything in the room.


Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:57 am
by Walkinghairball
No, I know, I was just trying to be funny.

But the one thing I will always hold on to is the fact I hate politics.

It just kills me that heads have to butt and we just can't get it done without slander, hate, prejudices, malice, agendas, yadda. I think you know what I mean.

It's a new day. :-D

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:04 am
by Big Blue Owl
I agree completely! It is a new day, but try telling that to a righty. :-)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:16 am
by Walkinghairball
Big Blue Owl wrote:I agree completely! It is a new day, but try telling that to a righty. :-)
HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!! :razz: :lol: :razz: :lol: :razz: :-D :D

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:19 am
by Big Blue Owl
Heheh....oops. :)

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:37 am
by Walkinghairball
Heh heh.


Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 7:18 pm
by zepboy
I just don't understand how a man can put our country into a hole of debt far beyond anything we've ever experienced before and still claim that he will reduce this debt by 50% in only four years.

It does not add up.

This has nothing to do with whether I like the man or not. It has nothing to do with any political or religious affiliation I may have.

It just doesn't add up.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:06 am
by Big Blue Owl
Perhaps this will help with the calculation;



Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:18 am
by CygnusX1
Big Blue Owl wrote:the American "militia movement": hordes of
overwhelmingly white, middle-aged men from suburban and rural areas
who convinced themselves they were defending the American way of life
from the "liberals" and "leftists" running the country by dressing up in
military costumes on weekends, wobbling around together with guns, and
play-acting the role of patriot-warriors.

My kind of peeps.

Greenwald's right dammit - There ARE hordes of us! And we're packin'

(That behavior drives liberals crazy, doesn't it?) :lol:

I apologize for not reading the rest of the Mr. Greenwald's manifesto
though. Oy vey . . .

I wonder how Mr. Greenwald feels about the Tea Party Revolution?

Coming soon to a town near YOU:

"Tea Party Revolution" Brewing

Posted on February 24th, 2009
By Adrea Shea King

The kettle?s whistling.

Tea Parties are popping up all over the country.

People are flocking to these sites which have cropped up practically
overnight in search of information about rallies, demonstrations and Tea
Parties in their cities.

The Revolution is brewing!

?Somebody in our government needs to finally pay attention. It is what
I?ve been talking about that was coming for a very long time and that is
disenfranchisement which will turn into anger and then turn into God
knows what,? Glenn Beck said Friday on his radio program about CNBC?S
Rick Santelli?s passionate comments made Thursday from the floor of the
Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Mark the date: February 19, 2009 - when Santelli might have unwittingly
fired a shot signaling the beginning of The Great Revolution, spawning
dozens of citizen Tea Party Protests across the country.

Responding to Santelli?s passionate comments, White House spokesman
Robert Gibbs suggested Santelli drink a cup of decaf coffee.

We prefer tea.

TCOP (Top Conservatives on Twitter) are coordinating simultaneous
nationwide rallies and demonstrations for this Friday at noon ET in
Chicago, Washington D.C., Fayetteville, N.C., Pittsburgh, Penn., San
Diego, Calif., Fort Worth, Texas, Tulsa, Okla., Oklahoma City, Orlando,
Fla., Omaha, Neb., Atlanta, Ga., and elsewhere in Missouri.

More cities are joining in every day.

Fed Up Americans In Orlando, a group of frustrated citizens, will
host one on March 21st, while on Florida?s Space Coast similar plans are
underway. Kristinn Taylor, Free Republic media spokesman, is organizing
Central Florida Freepers for a coordinated effort.

Michelle Malkin?s round-up about the growing Tea Party movement
was the lead story over the weekend at her blogsite.

Forty-two lawsuits have been filed demanding that Barack Obama
produce his vault certificate of birth and prove he?s a natural born citizen
as required by the Constitution. The tipping point may have been
reached to achieve legal critical mass when four Tennessee legislators
signed on as plaintiffs in a new lawsuit forcing Obama to prove his U.S.

Tennessee State Rep. Eric Swafford and Attorney Dr. Orly Taitz spoke
about the lawsuit on my radio program.

Former U.S. Ambassador and presidential candidate Alan Keyes is among
those filing suit. WorldNetDaily?s Drew Zahn reported on Keyes?
comments in an article over the weekend which included a video in which
Keyes boldly calls Obama a communist.

Remember: Last November, WND senior staff writer Jerry Corsi went
to Kenya in search of Obama?s birth roots - but was taken into custody
and held before being unceremoniously booted out of the country.