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Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:19 pm
by Sir Myghin

make you a deal med for everything you post i'll post in turn,

Scintilating colours
flash within ones eyes
creation of human mind?
or emotional spies
quickly jumping eyes
as the shocked cries
never knowing which or why
the colours burst, then fade and die

Colours found within this world
numbers as endless as the skies
burning hot within out soul
for passions of these cannot die
reflection of personal interest
shown through ones that drive us forth
though however many we have veiwed
there are always millions more

the flash of the cameras
capturing our eyes
but unable to attain
the colours of the skies
toned down in photographs
true beauty destroyed
the colours are extinguished
destroyed by desparate tries

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:21 pm
by The Snow Dog
I wanna play too!


When Rudolph Valentino died
Women committed suicide
Folks lined up for at least a mile
Just to worship his tact and style
Men were gods in ‘26
And when they died we all had fits

And aren’t they even gods today
And goddesses, these folks who play
At being something that they’re not
If I claimed godhood, I’d be shot…

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:23 pm
by Medinaquirin
*sigh* always a critic :roll:

Would it make ye feel better if I said that it's a long-distance relationship and we've not actually met face to face yet? :P

And besides that, shaddup ya bugger! :P :P :P :lol:

Another one....I can't explain this other than I was listening to an awful lot of Jethro Tull at the time...

"The Minstrel Broke His Mandolin"

On stage the court jester trundled about
While lords and ladies sat working it out
The implored a song from the Minstrel again,
But the Minstrel broke his mandolin

Burning heaven down
She burns
Burn her down, down, down
Let me ride, my love, let me ride
The sweet California Sunshine
Co-piloted by that ol' dog Mickey Finn
Dear God, the Minstrel broke his mandolin!

Bending, slowing
Burning, flowing
Begging, going
And go he must - he broke his mandolin

A lovely woman sat impatiently on the side
Crossing her fingers and braiding her hair
Lately her alibi has been wearing thing
But this time she saw the broken mandolin

Roll on, roll down
That old prude won't tell you what she's found!
Roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, roll, AROUND!
Rolling in the gutter,
"Damn you, quit fooling around!"
Here comes that pervert Webster again
"Caught him peeking round the dirty drapes again -
Don't deny, we've got it all on tape!"
The neadrothal can't even sing the hymn
Ha! oh, mandolin
Pick up the broken mandolin
And it would seem the usher boy lost his filthy mind
(We'll look for it another time...)
Misplaced like his sister's silk panties
Somewhere in the fourth scene
Probably up there on the balcony
Didn't you know she made it with the director?
(She'll do it for a dime)
She didn't even want a part
(She'll do it anytime)
(Fifteen cents for overtime)
It can hardly be called a matter of the heart -
It only took four minutes
The only saving grace was the uproar
That allowed them to slip in
When the Minstrel broke his mandolin

The rob the women
Rape the men
And do the Peppermint Twist!
(What the hell is this?)

Smudged obscene notes scrawled on the bathroom wall
Pick me up next summer -
Oh, she left her number
This scene is all too familiar, I think I'll wait it out
(He wanted to go down, but took the wrong route)
Run that by me again? I fell asleep
Who knew the Fool's Roots ran so deep?
Old Glory must be taken down, her color just isn't quite so bright anymore
Have the Druids blick the door!
Go piss in the corner
You wont miss a thing
The show's at an intermission following
Lucifer's low-forehead lesson
The crowd's hushed, exposed the Queen's sin
Dear God, the Minstrel broke his mandolin!

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:28 pm
by Sir Myghin
Medinaquirin wrote:*sigh* always a critic :roll:

Would it make ye feel better if I said that it's a long-distance relationship and we've not actually met face to face yet? :P

And besides that, shaddup ya bugger! :P :P :P :lol:

Another one....I can't explain this other than I was listening to an awful lot of Jethro Tull at the time...

so one of those internet date things, i'll try not to laugh, too hard

wow, snow dog, that hit pretty close, sounds fairly close to rand's philosophy, but more what it deals with, very cool

let us have that minstrel head, we want music!!! great sotry heh, but how can they have it all on tape in the time of druis and minstrels and queens, just curious :D

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:40 pm
by Medinaquirin
First of all: :P :P

Secondly: those were both good poems, guys! :D

Third: about the taping, well, I dunno. :oops:

Another one...

"Absolution Prayer of Mary"

believe you best check your gears
There's something caught in there
commissioned orphans to hold back your pride
"Save me!" came the strangled spirit's cry
know this heavy darkness can last no longer
And the wild sunlight can only make us stronger

Prayer of Mary:
Give me absolution
A contribution
No solution
Or constitution
For execution

gave them both potion and pill
Met with no pardoning word; asked for a refill
will not come as though I'd already agreed
Starry-eyed, "All is made of vanity"
beseech thee, though only for a little while
Do not hide the pain with a veiled smile

Prayer of Mary
Prayer of Mary

Absolution, resolution, restitution, contribution, constitution, execution, no solution

Prayer of Mary:
Give me absolution
A contribution
No solution
Or constitution
For execution

Save me!

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:45 pm
by Sir Myghin
thats cool, it sounds liek someones stuck in a well yelling for help and perservereance while others dig a hole to fetch them :D

.. i shouldn't of made that deal i owe 2 now

Heart and soul
collide with mind
it matters not
for it needn't hide
to aid others
who need it most
to seek the light
of whats to come
acting on what
i feel does best
For but the legacy
of benevolence

A righteous walk
through the times of growing dark
in a faithless world
strike at your harp
for Him procede
the path he wishes to be walked
Play for Him
The music he provides

Down this dark road
we must all walk
surrounded by confusion
tempted by evil
the world is out to get us
we must persevere
yet we feel so far
with his life we grow ever near
to a life that is a blessing
given to those who adhere

For to follow Him
is a golden path
never to be turned wrong
unless of ill pact
endless love shown
for all that He made
all that he created
can be unwrought
ask with faith
you will receive
leave him with your troubles
and he will do the rest
For to live but the legacy
of benevolence


A keened blade
the sharpest knife
scaring people
scaring lives

destroying fronts
and false alike
a beacon far
a shining light

In the modern world
where have our morals gone?
running from the truth
use it as reasons to cast stones
angerring the infidels
tell them that which they fear
use the truth as righteous tool
to tear them ear to ear

to live along
blasphemous works
strike their hearts
make them hurt

i cannot lie
truth must be heard
these morals dead
and under earth

In the modern world
they dig themselves a hole
running from the truth
towards what the think that they know
angerring the infidels
a tool deom which they run
break them with honesty
destroy weaves of lies once spun

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:46 pm
by The Snow Dog
nice rythem to that last one.

here's a ballad I wrote once. one of my better ones, i'd wager.

-The Bard-

When I was a lad
A man came through town
With a sword on his hip
And a lute on his back
I spoke to him once
And he seemed quite all right
He told me to wait
And he reached in his pack

He gave me a dagger
And he gave me a flute
And he told me to meet him
At the tavern next morn
So I woke up as early
As ever I had
And he showed me some tricks
With that dagger and horn

All the day we played
And all the day we fought
‘Till my lips grew tired
And my fingers were sore
So we took a quick break
And we had a quick lunch
And I wrested a while
Then we played a bit more

“My boy, you’ve got skill”
Said my friend with the lute
When we finished up playing
All that long day
“I think you’ll be fine
For a life on the road
If you wish to come with me
I’m headed that way”

“What way are you going?”
I asked that young man
With the sword on his hip
And the lute on his back
“Wherever it looks
Like there might be some fun
I don’t plan my journeys
I make my own tracks”

So I went along with him
And I never looked back
Although sometimes we dropped in
On my little town
I learned much from my friend
And we had quite a time
But a battle came on
And my good friend was downed

The attack came quite fast
From all sides of the road
But we fought well and hard
And most of the folk fled
But a stray arrow’s shaft
Struck my friend and struck true
And he fell to the ground
In a puddle of red

“Fear not,” said that man
Who I’d known as my friend
“I will not survive
But the roads are still long
So take up the Music
And live as I lived
But I am not done yet
Let’s have one more song”

Weakly at first
He took up the lute
But he soon gained momentum
And he struck up a tune
We played and we sang
All through that long night
We woke up the sun
And lulled away the moon

He died at the dawn
With the lute in his hands
I remember his last words
As plain as my name
“It is time,” he said
“Time to tell you farewell
I’ll see you some other time
If it’s all the same”

I mourned my friend’s death
And I cried many nights
And I raised him a Cairn
With my own two hands
I built it from stones
Laying around the road
And I covered it with roses
And there it still stands

I still walk that road
Every once in a while
And every sad step
Always tears at my tears
I still wish I could see him
And play a few chords
I still wish he were with me
Even after these long years

But the sword’s on my hip now
And the lute’s on my back
My old dagger and flute
I keep even this day
But I think of him often
And do as he did
I don’t know where I’m going,
I’m just headed that way.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:47 pm
by Medinaquirin
You'se better than me, sug.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:51 pm
by Sir Myghin
i'm beginning to think there is some relation between rush fans, neils awesome lyrics, and creating awesome poets in turn, i don't oft see good poetry from my peers i thank you folks

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:53 pm
by The Snow Dog
well thank you both. and I think you're right, SMD... hmm...

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:01 pm
by Medinaquirin
Shall we form a Poet's Guild, then? 8)

BTW: I've got a shiteload more poems if I can dig out a couple of my notebooks. :roll:

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:02 pm
by The Snow Dog
we shall! I don't have that much though... only started writing about eight months ago.

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:02 pm
by Sir Myghin
i only tend to keep what i hold worthy, the ones that weren't good enough are lost, and being as i'm a really critical bastard, i only have 15ish i keep around haven't writen since before Christmas

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:04 pm
by The Snow Dog
I don't keep all my stuff, but most of it

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:05 pm
by Medinaquirin

Well, trust me, I've got a good few that will never see the light of day. I keep them locked in a deep dark place. :shock: