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Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:53 am
by CygnusX1
ElfDude wrote:In the middle of the video now. This is painful.
Damn right it is.

See the disdain and hate on their faces when Palin is mentioned?

brrrr....that was cold, dog.

It never ceases to amaze me how democrats can say all the hateful things
they want, but if a conservative or independent says something counter
to that, all hell breaks loose...wuzupwitdat? ***hearty belly laffs***

Take the gay marriage demonstrators for instance...the people SPOKE.

It's nothing but sour grapes. Just like what the Obama supporters told
those that supported McCain - practice what you preach - and get over it.

I'm the first in line to give Obama a chance too. I don't hate the man in
any capacity...'cept those ears....damn. :roll: :lol:

Seriously...He's our President. I've served the Commander-In-Chief my
entire career.

However, if or when he crosses the line...I'm the first one on the
impeachment train, and I'm shovelin' a assload of coal to get there.

Back to the peoples' business for me...Rock on.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:56 am
by Big Blue Owl
Soup4Rush wrote:2 things...

Give Obama a chance

and to Sarah, please for the love of God, call Larry Flynt. :-D
Perfect. :-)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:00 am
by Walkinghairball
Gettin tired of this already folks??????????? I am.

Here's what I think of that video..........................Meh.

Here is what I think when the McCain version comes out...............Meh.

It proves that there are or will be uninformed voters all over the country and NOTHING more.

Wanna change that fact, I know I sure do and it's not sour grapes for me. I have a warehouse kid that is a Obama guy and my other warehouse kid is Alicia Silverstone..........................Clueless. He didn't vote cus he is uninformed. At least he didn't just go in pushing buttons.

Did I vote for

I am gonna sit here and watch the process because I want to see what the man can do. I want to be proved wrong, and not all at the same time. I don't know what tomorrow will bring us all...........I hope its good though.

I realize it's a free country and all that, but after all the crap to this point, I am tired of it.

Obama got elected...........................PERIOD.

O don't have no fuckin what.
He gonna take my guns......................prove it.

How bout we let him TAKE OFFICE FOR A DAY first.........then the which hunt. :-) (yeah, that was my only joke so far) :-)

Damnit I hate politics.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:07 am
by Big Blue Owl
Wow, powerful, Hairman!
Now have a look and a laugh at this. It seems idiots can be found on both sides if you look for them. :-) ... obama.html

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:23 am
by Walkinghairball
Big Blue Owl wrote: It seems idiots can be found on both sides if you look for them. :-)

And that...................*Shudders* is mah kinna woman..............yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehawllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!

Foly huck that was just goofy.

When did we go to war with IRAN?????

And where is this pile of human American heads the Liberal biased media ain't showin us???? (uh, yeah, that was a joke here too.) :-D
Wow, powerful, Hairman!
Thanks BBBromine,

It is awfully one sided in here, (You fight a huge battle daily all by yourself), and in the spirit of fairness I wish everyone would stop,I can't make this happen, and won't make this happen...I just wish it would stop. I have been accused of abuse of power trying to squelch everyones right to express freely just what they want to, and that's just not true. I only want this place to run smooth. We all have a view and a point and no way do I want to just take that away.....I am just tired of the squabbles that occur from the heated topics we have.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:41 am
by ElfDude
The difference between the video that BBO posted and the video that Cyg posted is that one is showing a nut and the other has data behind it. In statistics the redneck in the BBO video could be called an outlyer (sp?). There's nothing to show whether that person is common or not. The Cyg video is an illustration of what has been demonstrated with data; a vast majority of the Obama voters were ignorant. They couldn't answer a series of simple questions like:

What party currently controls the congress?
Who is Harry Reid?
Who is Barney Frank?
Who is Nancy Pelosi?
What candidate said his policies would bankrupt the coal industry?
What candidate said that within six months Obama would be tested by our nation's enemies with an international crisis?

The only questions they were getting were the ones like:

On which candidate did the party spend $150,000 for a wardrobe?

Heck, they didn't even know what candidate said he'd campaigned in 57 states. They only knew what had become part of the pop culture (Palin bashing). Only 2% of Obama voters got nearly all the questions right.

Abe Lincoln was right. We're still blessed with the ability to vote for change when we grow weary of our government. But when the electorate is this ignorant...

My stomach is in a knot thinking about it.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:42 am
by Big Blue Owl
I am just tired of the squabbles that occur from the heated topics we have.
I hear ya, bro. Those daily battles are dodgy because I don't want to upset any of my friends (t!) and to be able to knock the ball back across the net, sometimes you have to be raw or gritty. I understand the Right folk being upset that their candidate lost. I can imagine how I'd be feeling if McCain and Palin were our new leaders. There isn't enough duct tape to keep me at bay, had that happened. I just hope that everyone knows that I don't really hate and I'm not a sexist (any more than I should be) and I am happy for every person in this country that Obama will get the chance to serve them and help us get back in line with what we think of as the greatest country on the planet.
I'll try to watch it a bit, but when I see a long-ass post saying that Democrats are sheep, they all hate, are stupid, etc., all bets and gloves are off (at least for a minute.) :-)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:48 am
by ElfDude
Walkinghairball wrote:I just wish it would stop. I have been accused of abuse of power trying to squelch everyones right to express freely just what they want to, and that's just not true. I only want this place to run smooth. We all have a view and a point and no way do I want to just take that away.....I am just tired of the squabbles that occur from the heated topics we have.
Obviously, only the owner of the board could make that call.
If he wanted to make a "no politics, no religion" rule, I wouldn't complain. I'm in two Carvin forums with that rule and enjoy them thoroughly.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:49 am
by Big Blue Owl
But when the electorate is this ignorant...
Damn, dude. 12 people (who knows how many didn't make it to video because they knew the answers) are uninformed, but still have the right, nay obligation to vote. So from that, the electorate is this ignorant.

What about the "he's an Arab" crone? What about all of the ignorant voters who are not Democratic. Sorry about your stomach, buddy-mine, but the knot seems self-imposed. Try a Zantac. :)

My video post was just for a giggle. Not trying to prove anything. I don't have to anymore. The people have spoken.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 9:56 am
by ElfDude
Big Blue Owl wrote: Damn, dude. 12 people (who knows how many didn't make it to video because they knew the answers) are uninformed, but still have the right, nay obligation to vote. So from that, the electorate is this ignorant. .
You didn't read my post. Those 12 were an illustration. The Zogby poll asked the same questions of 512 Obama voters. That's where the 98% couldn't answer the questions figure came from, not the video. And yes, the poll has an error margin of just over 4%. But that still makes the result a whopping majority.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:03 am
by Walkinghairball
Believe me............I don't want to stop anything. I just wish it would. I tire of it.

Factual........credible.........intelligent............informed..........emotional..........ignorant...............scientific..................don't matter.

Let the man take the office. That's all.

The laundry will be clean and folded soon enough, either way. :-)

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:03 am
by Big Blue Owl
You didn't read my post. Those 12 were an illustration.
Ok, sorry for contradicting you. Democrats are ignorant, dirty sheep and Republicans are informed, Godly and should have won the election. In fact with that kind of logic there shouldn't be a Democratic party at all. All Republicans, all the time.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:06 am
by Walkinghairball

I have work to do. :x

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:13 am
by ElfDude
Big Blue Owl wrote:
You didn't read my post. Those 12 were an illustration.
Ok, sorry for contradicting you. Democrats are ignorant, dirty sheep and Republicans are informed, Godly and should have won the election. In fact with that kind of logic there shouldn't be a Democratic party at all. All Republicans, all the time.
That wasn't called for. We can link back to numerous posts where I express disappointment and frustration with the Republican presidential candidate, my Republican senators, and the party in general. I am not a Republican and likely never will be. I still maintain that McCain would not have been good for the country.

I think I'm making only two points here today:

1. The vast majority of Obama voters had no idea what they were voting for. It was all based on emotion, not knowledge of policies.

2. I hold our mainstream press partially responsible for this (if one wants to be informed, it's not impossible). They have an agenda, and it isn't to inform the public. Unless, of course, the information they peddle will cause the public to further their agenda.

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:24 am
by Big Blue Owl
Consider for a moment the possibility that most of the "new" voters, those that never got off of their ass or have just come of age were uninformed and just wanted to not have someone like Bush running things (into the ground) for a while. Give the Dems a chance to make a pig's breakfast of the nation for a "change."
Then yeah, I agree with your point whole-heartedly. Those that aren't political junkies like us aren't aware of much more than what the media shows/tells them, and they vote in the one that they (emotionally or otherwise) see as the person that'll do the most good, whether it is true or not.