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Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 12:46 pm
by Middle Kingdom
PV wrote:
One of my best friends here in NJ is from Salem, MA and we want to open a candlepin alley that has a New England sports theme. I think it would go over really well - there are so many transplants around here! Who's in as an investor?? :cool:
That would be way cool.
Sadly this isn't a good time for
becoming an investor. I'd love it.
Heck, I'd work the numbers side of things.
And the year before I finished my ten pin league with a 192 (high average and I have the ring that comes with it) and I ended up seeded 14th in the bowler of the year event.
Sweet. AMF Auburn it is called now. That is the place.
Carry isn't bad. Maybe it was for that event though.
Been bowling there since age 5.
Won high average once, no ring though, trophy, and high game and series a couple of times.
Been on 8 league chamionship teams though, so I'll take that![/quote]

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:05 pm
by YYZ30
Been on 8 league chamionship teams though, so I'll take that!
Only two (in tenpin) here, but carried my three person team (my first year in the league mind you) the last 8 weeks as we were down to two people (third was a cop and had a lot of spring meetings) I carried us into the playoffs and during the finals we were up 23 (overall) with two boxes to go and I was anchor. Threw a flat ball and left the 5-10...and I knew with an open in the 9th they could get their foot back in the door.

I got up and took a deep breath, and threw the best ball I have thrown in my life and swept the 5 into the 10, and us to a title.

Not bad for someone who was told 7 years prior he was done bowling, and my proudest moment as my father, sister, brother in law, wife and son were all watching and knew what it meant to me. My dad and I even got a little misty when he hugged me, because he knew my frsutration of coming in second year after year in sports in general.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:23 pm
by PV
Shall I move these to a bowling thread??

Hey, MK... If we ever do get the bowling alley going, I'll let you know! We will need a numbers guy! :cool:

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:38 pm
by YYZ30
PV wrote:Shall I move these to a bowling thread??

Hey, MK... If we ever do get the bowling alley going, I'll let you know! We will need a numbers guy! :cool:
I will steer this back on topic right after this.

You need a mechanic for those machines Im your man. I work on them now :)

Ill post my Bourque shirt tonight.

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 1:46 pm
by PV
YYZ30 wrote:You need a mechanic for those machines Im your man. I work on them now :)

Ill post my Bourque shirt tonight.
Sweet and sweet! :cool:

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:11 pm
by Middle Kingdom
Sweet! My wife can get a job anywhere in the country, so that would work!

Ummm on topic,

Go ImageImage

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:27 pm
by PV

That's my Jamie! :-D

Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 2:32 pm
by Middle Kingdom
YYZ30 wrote:
Been on 8 league chamionship teams though, so I'll take that!
Only two (in tenpin) here, but carried my three person team (my first year in the league mind you) the last 8 weeks as we were down to two people (third was a cop and had a lot of spring meetings) I carried us into the playoffs and during the finals we were up 23 (overall) with two boxes to go and I was anchor. Threw a flat ball and left the 5-10...and I knew with an open in the 9th they could get their foot back in the door.

I got up and took a deep breath, and threw the best ball I have thrown in my life and swept the 5 into the 10, and us to a title.

Not bad for someone who was told 7 years prior he was done bowling, and my proudest moment as my father, sister, brother in law, wife and son were all watching and knew what it meant to me. My dad and I even got a little misty when he hugged me, because he knew my frsutration of coming in second year after year in sports in general.

Great story!

1997 we had a 3 person team with a blind, and blew a 9 game lead to trail by 3 games going into the last week. (each win and loss was counted naturally, not by 2 points for each) so we had to win all 4 games to take the title. This team we bowled had 2 folks that always seemed to bowl
30 pins over average and beat us, and they were dying to win it all.

My wife is not competetive at all, so though there was no pressure on her, she wasn't as focused on bowling well, and the older guy we had, had never been on anything close to a winner, and was scared to death.

I actually calmed myself by thinking one of them was gonna bowl a great game again, and we would be done.

I worked 5:30 am to 2:30, had softball practice 3 to 6 and bowling at 7.

I was perfectly calm all night.
I shot a 226 in game 1. Win.
247 in game 2. Win.
211 in game 3. Win.
Grand total obviously was a win, and we pretty much pulled a Red Sox 2004 over the Yanks to win it all. Going up in the 10th, we had it locked up. Great feeling!

A loudmouth woman from the third place team arrogantly came over to congratulate the other team, while we were packing our stuff.
The look on her face was better than the 1st place prize money when she was told we won all 4 games.
"that means they won 1st place." "yup"
silence as it sunk in.

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2006 7:26 pm
by YYZ30
My camera has gone missing :?

Ill find it and post the pics.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:54 pm
by YYZ30
*sigh* still no luck.

Anyways...go to youtube and look up Hockey fights...brawls galore.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:59 pm
by PV
Yeah... nothing like a good ol' fashioned hockey fight! :cool:

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:11 pm
by YYZ30
I didnt remember who 29 was on the Bruins *ashamed*

Jay Miller....ah...theres someone the Bruins could use now.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 2:34 pm
by Middle Kingdom
Forgot his number, remember him though.
He'd jump people before the faceoff!

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 9:45 pm
by PV
And we can't forget #4 for the Devils! Scott Stevens! Talk about a monster on the ice! :shock: I miss him...

I remember #4 and #7 for the Bruins way back when... Orr and Esposito. When we were kids and would play the game Life, every time we had to put money on two numbers and spin the wheel to get something, we always put our money on 4 and 7 - Orr and Espo! :cool:

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:11 am
by YYZ30
Ducks vs Flames...both goalies get run at... ... ed&search=


Sens fight after another... ... ed&search=