Gas and Oil

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Post by awip2062 »

My mom saw a story on the local Seattle news about stations that were upping the price because the amount people had cut back on their driving and gas consumption made it so they had to raise prices to make ends meet.


We're screwed no matter what we do.
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Post by ElfDude »

awip2062 wrote:My mom saw a story on the local Seattle news about stations that were upping the price because the amount people had cut back on their driving and gas consumption made it so they had to raise prices to make ends meet.


We're screwed no matter what we do.
In spite of my doom and gloom post earlier, I also believe that we're in a temproary bubble, which will burst at some point. But we have a lot of work to do for the future.
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Post by awip2062 »

I just hope it bursts at a point that we can handle.
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Post by Kares4Rush »

$4.15 for Regular here. :shock:

Freeze this moment a little bit longer...
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Post by Walkinghairball »

I filled up today at $3.85 a gallon.............almost 20 gallons.............$74.75 was the damage.

Ouch. :shock:
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Post by ElfDude »

I just heard something that made me happy. Last night Glenn Beck interviewed Dr. Ray Kurzweil (to be shown tomorrow night). Most people, except for musicians, don't know that that name.

This guy has an amazing brain. Not only is he an inventor, but he had an amazing insight into what the future holds. This is the guy that many years ago predeicted the Internet, predicted that it woudl be accessible in every American home, often on portable computers. He predicted that computing would become to important to us that it would be pocket-sized. This is just one of a long list accruate predictions he's made. His credentials are excellent.

Anyway, Glenn asked him about oil. Kurzweil said that all the panic is unfounded... mostly because of advancing solar technology. I've known for years that solar energy technology is inefficient at best. However, Dr. Kurzweil says that it's about to change. That the new technology is "right around the corner". He believes that within as little as five years the vast majority of the nation's energy needs will be met by solar energy.

I love that kind of optimism! And this guy is someone to whom I can listen and take seriously. :)
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Post by ElfDude »

One other item... new Gallup Poll results say that 57% of Americans believe we should now start drilling in "US costal and wilderness areas now off limits".
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Post by CygnusX1 »

ElfDude wrote:One other item... new Gallup Poll results say that 57% of Americans believe we should now start drilling in "US costal and wilderness areas now off limits".
I'll hit the first switch on the drill...let's do this already....

C'mon, we ALREADY pump crude 800 miles in a above-ground
pipeline in Alaskan wilderness areas NOW...

Where are the spills and environmental disaters up there?


I haven't heard a thing....any of you?

Drill the damned things and let's get off of OPEC's tit!
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Gas at $4+ a Gallon - Who's to Blame?

Post by CygnusX1 »

Gas at $4.00+ a gallon. Who?s to blame?

Thanks to the enivironmentalist lobby and its influence on Democratic
legislators in Congress, the U.S. has, for decades, been prohibited from
drilling for oil in places that we know contain billions of barrells of proven


All of the ?NO? zones are places where the U.S., thanks to the Democratic
Party, is prohibited from drilling for oil.

But wait ? it gets better.

China, Cuba, Canada and others continue to drill off our shores where
US companies are not allowed to drill because of Democratic policies!

Yes, that?s right ? China and Cuba are actively exploring oil fields 50
miles from Key West, Florida
while U.S. companies are barred from
working in this area because of U.S. policy . So, instead of allowing the
most environmentally responsible companies to operate there and
increase our domestic supply, China, who has a dismal environmental
record, is preparing to suck our close, lucrative oil reserves dry.


Investor's Business Daily recently explained how irresponsible the
Democrats have been on the energy crisis. They lay into what they
consider to be the worst Congress ever for ?..

* Failing to allow drilling in ANWR. We have, as President Bush noted,
estimated capacity of a million barrels of oil a day from this source
alone -- enough for 27 million gallons of gas and diesel. But Congress
won't touch it, fearful of the clout of the environmental lobby. As a result,
you pay through the nose at the pump so your representative can raise
campaign cash.

* Refusing to build new refineries. The U.S. hasn't built one since 1976,
yet the EPA requires at least 15 unique 'boutique' fuel blends that can be
sold in different areas around the nation. This means that U.S. refinery
capacity is stretched so tight that even the slightest problem at a refinery
causes enormous supply problems and price spikes.

Congress has done nothing about this.

* Turning its back on nuclear power. It's safe and, with advances in
nuclear reprocessing technology, waste problems have been minimized.
Still, we have just 104 nuclear plants -- the same as a decade ago --
producing just 19% of our total energy. (Many European nations produce
40% or more of their power with nuclear.) Granted, nuclear power plants
are expensive -- about $3 billion each. But they produce energy at
$1.72/kilowatt-hour vs. $2.37 for coal and $6.35 for natural gas.

* Raising taxes on energy producers. This is where a basic
understanding of economics would help: Higher taxes and needless
regulation lead to less production of a commodity. So, by
proposing 'windfall' and other taxes on energy companies plus tough new
rules, Congress only makes our energy situation worse.

These are just a few of Congress' sins of omission -- all while India,
China, Eastern Europe and the Middle East are adding more than a
million barrels of new demand each and every year. New Energy
Department forecasts see world oil demand growing 40% by 2030,
including a 28% increase in the U.S.

Americans who are worried about the direction of their country, including
runaway energy and food prices, should keep in mind that:

The upcoming election isn't just about choosing a new President.

We'll also pick a new Congress. :P
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Post by ElfDude »

I don't need to see Dumb and Dumber. I just heard the plot.
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Post by ElfDude »

By the way, anyone remember voting for change in 2006?

Nancy Pelosi gave a reason for us to give Democrats the majority in congress...
?Democrats have a commonsense plan to help bring down skyrocketing gas prices by cracking down on price gouging, rolling back the billions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies, tax breaks and royalty relief given to big oil and gas companies, and increasing production of alternative fuels.?
That was April of 2006. At the time gas was $2.34 a gallon. We gave them the congress and lookie lookie!
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Post by Big Blue Owl »

Yup and I think they are also responsible for global warming and the cyclone in Myanmar. Also, most of the people that built FEMA trailers were "them" as well, and since they sweat formaldehyde I'm sure that's how it got into the design and made all of those people sick. :roll: :razz:
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Post by ElfDude »

Yeah... that's it!

Or we could just blame the Illuminati... :-D
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Post by Big Blue Owl »

Already have done :-D
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Post by CygnusX1 »

George Carlin's Solution to Save Gasoline

Okay. Bush wants us to cut the amount of gas we use.

The best way to stop using so much gas is:

1. Deport 11 million illegal immigrants! :twisted:

(That would be 11 million less people using our gas. The price of
gas would come down...)

2. Bring our troops home from Iraq - to guard the Border.

(When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the border, hand them a
canteen, rifle and some ammo - and ship them to Iraq. Tell them if they
want to come to America, they must serve a tour in the military....Give
them a soldier's pay while they're there and tax them on it....After their
tour, they will be allowed to become citizens by virtue of defending the
country. They will also be registered to be taxed and become legal

NOTE: Option 2 will probably deter illegal immigration and provide a
solution for the troops in Iraq - AND the aliens trying to make a better life
for themselves.

(If they refuse to serve, ship them to Iraq anyway, without the canteen,
rifle or ammo.)

Problem solved.
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