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What We Have Done -- A commentary

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:07 pm
by awip2062
"What Have We Done?!
November 12, 2006

Nearly a week after the election, reading, researching, and listening to assorted explanations of what happened in this election and what to expect in the next two years, it is time to state as clearly as I can, what I believe really happened, in preparation for another commentary on what is going to happen, and a third on what we Christians must be committed to as a result.
For Starters: Portions of a Letter from an American Soldier serving in Iraq
�I would like you to tell America exactly what they did to their soldiers on Tuesday, and what WE think about our countrymen right now.�

"Today in the mess hall, where there is usually jovial conversation, there was silence, long faces, and broken spirits. Everyone, including American soldiers, marines, sailors, airmen, Iraqi nationals, Bulgarian soldiers, etc., was speechless, tired, demoralized and stunned. We all ate in eerie silence."

"Last night, while we watched the press conference with the President, there was utter disgust, and the common feeling amongst us all, that we soldiers are now the loneliest people on earth. We fight an enemy over here, and we have a country full of enemies to go home to that are our countrymen."

"This week I am NOT proud to say that I am an American. I think it is obvious why. We have just told the world that we are not a nation of people who are tough, and will fight for what we believe in. We have told the world that we are a giant coward that will shy away from any difficult challenge."

"Know that the spirit of your team is wounded. YOU liberals, you, America, have done a great job of demoralizing us. You have just put a heavy price on the heads of us all. Now that we are branded as cowards, we are an easy target, oh so inviting for the taking.� Aaron (As heard on the Rusty Humphries Show)

Shades of Vietnam
John Kerry said what he really meant down deep. And the smug, erudite and ambitious liberal brahmin of old, surfaced once again, to remind us all of the mindset of the left in America that really has no heart, no soul, and no commitment except to the culture of the sixties, the 'each to his own,' 'if it feels good do it' crowd, the licentious liberty bunch that likes it's drugs, 'free love' political power and porn.

In the last few years, that same self serving, little god spirit so prevalent in the sixties, nurtured into a political and social juggernaut by the left in the seventies, eighties and nineties, found itself thwarted in it's relentless plan to take over the nation's laws, institutions, and courts by a, heaven forbid, Bible believing, 'right wing' Christian and his entourage from of all places, Texas!

That my friends, could not be tolerated! And thus began a strategy of hate, lies, legal villainy, relentless criticism and blame, regardless of the nation's need to stand behind our President, and thus communicate to Islamic tyrants and terrorists around the world, that we would stand shoulder to shoulder to defeat them. But instead of taking the high, noble, and strong road to victory, we the people, including far too many Christians, listened to the satanically driven messages of the left, and decided that George Bush and the Republicans were the real problem. We bought into the deception of our arch enemy as he went smiling all the way to the the ballot bank, sidetracking the Iraq freedom train and war against terror, to defeat and ignominy, and any hope of restoring America as a beacon of hope for anyone in the world, anywhere, at any time.

It's all about "Me" again in America
Unlike those courageous and committed young volunteers in Iraq and Afghanistan, whose bond with each other in a noble cause and purposeful teamwork invigorated and inspired us all to be about "we" again, the dream to be about righteousness at home, and around the world, was snuffed out in one day, by our own hands. It is now readily apparent that it is no longer about "we" in America, but still about "me." To each his own.

What many of us feared with the advent of the counter culture revolution, and the preference for 'me' and my 'freedoms' first, the 'me' generation, and the culture it spawned, just can't stomach the necessity of 'coming to Jesus' and facing the reality of a world full of sin and tyrants. Those who know nothing about 'we' in loyalty, self sacrificing service, and commitment to others, rattled the airwaves and media outlets with a cacophony of criticism, lies, distortions and slander. So much so that 'even the elect' would be deceived. How can any organization, any military unit, any government survive that? They cannot, and neither can you.

So what did we do? We believed the incessant drumbeat of the nay sayers and critics and when the politicians caved under merciless criticism, and the fear of standing with the conservative values of those who elected them, many, many Americans, Christians included, bailed out too. Unwilling to ensure Iraq would be free, unwilling to pay a price to be the lone voice for reason and principle in the lunch room at work, we simply rationalized our fear of rejection instead of taking stock of our character, and joined the critics. We ran quickly with our feet to the polls to 'opt out.' And opt out we did.

Opting Out
Here at home we opted out of any chance, apart from a miracle of God, to change the make up of the U.S. Supreme Court, to get many more needed strict constructionist judges appointed to the nations federal and state courts.

We opted out of our role as protector of the innocent in the womb, leader of the free world, and definer of marriage, and even the family. We gave that away to the left.

We opted out of protecting our free speech rights in our pulpits and invited the left to force us to accept and speak nicely of homosexuality and lesbianism. Be on your guard, it is coming to a church near you.

On the international scene, we opted out of interacting diplomatically from a position of power and moral strength and determination. We simply capitulated on several fronts that will bode more than ill for us economically, morally and politically.

Illegal Immigration
And one of those fronts is of course, illegal immigration, and our ability to stop or curb it. With the democrats now in control of both houses of Congress, and a President who prefers amnesty, and both parties wanting to curry the Latino vote, the doors will be left wide open for all who wish to come in, including terrorists.

Are We 'Safer' Now?
Do you feel safer now, in the hands of those who told you whatever they wanted to, in order to get your vote, aid them in their personal political ambitions, provide their egos with greater public spotlight, and increase the greatest retirement gravy train that votes can buy? And folks, this is just the tip of the iceberg, simple signals of things to come, if we will simply open our eyes.

And finally, how would you like to be our military commanders in Iraq right about now? What would you encourage them to say to replace the morale that has been lost? And to the families of all those who have lost sons and daughters there? 'Shades of Vietnam,' Lyndon Johnson, Richard Nixon, the liberal media, and of course, John Kerry. Isn't there something about he who forgets the past is bound to repeat it? Oh for another Ronald Reagan, Douglas MacArthur, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher or Dwight Eisenhower.

Where have all the good men gone?

David Crowe"

Okay, so what do you all think? Responses?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:27 pm
by Big Blue Owl
Apart from the border protection bit I find this entire piece to be complete and utter bullshit. To say that we are all as good as dead inside and out, and that the country doesn't care about anyone but "me" because the majority opted for a change, a house cleaning, is doing exactly what this hack is blaming the entire country of doing; Thinking about the "ME" instead of the "US." Sure, if everyone was a Christian, right-wing conservative, then squeal like a pig because the ONE WAY of thinking has been blasphemed, but that is the opposite of what America is. The person who wrote this load of crap is unpatriotic and should be reminded what this country is about, where we came from, and what we have to do to remain (or regain) great.
Does that sound harsh, talling about a brave, fighting soldier like that? Just remember, there are assholes in all walks of life. Police, polititians, clergy, etc. have all proven to have many bad seeds among them. Just because you wear a uniform and carry a gun in the sand doesn't mean you automatically get an "I'm Cool" button.

How can you demoralize someone who doesn't know the meaning of the word?

My dad (Marine, deceased) would have kicked this weiner's ass all over Iraq.

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:33 pm
by awip2062
The thing is, if one person believes one way and another person believes a different way, can't it always be seen as being about "ME" when you promote your side?

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:53 pm
by Big Blue Owl
Well, no, of course not. I refer to the belief that the American people can be vilified as the "death of all that was going well" simply because power has been balanced. Do we really believe that the entire armed forces are now downtrodden and sees his country as hating him and as his "Enemy?" Sure, say it all day long, but don't try to dupe people into thinking everyone or even ANYONE else feels this way. It just sounds like irritated, loser-minded propaganda and rhetoric.
I'm a bit of a lefty, but I love my country, its people and all of those that serve and protect us and even die so I can live free. So what is this person basing this whole sad commentary on? His own feelings, beliefs and prejudices.
I'm glad you posted this, T. Gets the old blood boiling :-D

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:58 pm
by awip2062
Glad you don't hate me for it, but I didn't post it here thinking to start a war, or that you would hate me; just wondering what people thought of this.

Personally, I agree with some, not with all.

Big Blue Owl's Blood Boiling...sounds like Dr. Seuss! LOL

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:02 pm
by Big Blue Owl
Hate you? Far from it.
And not really boiling, but moving again :)

Dr. Seuss is awesome!
"Boil that dust speck - boil that dust speck!"

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 3:07 pm
by awip2062
See? Like I said, knew you wouldn't hate me.

H's husband is named David Brown, so I sent him the book Mr. Brown Can Moo, Can You? hehe

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:32 pm
by Walkinghairball
*Throws a water balloon at BBO cuz I don't hate him too.* :-D

What up Big Blue brother from another mother?

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 7:05 am
by Big Blue Owl
Cruisin', buddy! Ducking water ballons for excersize :-D

How are you and yours?

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 4:46 pm
by ElfDude
Big Blue Owl wrote:
Dr. Seuss is awesome!
"Boil that dust speck - boil that dust speck!"
My daughter is currently performing in Seussical the Musical. She's a who. Caught it last Friday night and am looking forward to seeing it again this Saturday. :)