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Primary voting?

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2007 1:06 pm
by ElfDude
Since I always register as an independent, I don't get the privilege of voting in any presidential primaries. But I found myself thinking about who I would vote for if I could vote in a primary...

If voting for a Democrat:

First, I'd probably want to go with a front-runner, so as not to throw my vote away. That seems to put the choice (currently) between Clinton, Obama, and Edwards. It has been demonstrated that most Americans (myself included) would rather not elect a senator as president (anybody remember the last time we did?), since being a senator doesn't really demonstrate how a person does in a leadership position. But with these three front-runners you can't get around that. They're either senators or former senators. So, we have their voting record as senators, their former lives, and how they manage their campaigns to judge from.

Senator Edwards' former life rules him out. He was a sleazebag trial lawyer who made fotunes out of chasing wheelchairs and bringing frivilous lawsuits against doctors. He has no ethics. And actions like these have driven healthcare costs up for all of us. So he's out.

Clinton has years and years of scandalous history. Her current campaign has an uncanny ability to draw in illegal money, mostly from the Chinese. Corruption seems to be her middle name. So, she's out.

So I guess my choice would be Senator Obama. Though he has no history of much that involves leadership, he does appear to be a decent man. He doesn't have that air of corruption about him. So if I were voting in the Democrat primaties, I guess he'd be my guy.

If voting for a Republican:

Again, let's stick with the front-runners. At this point that looks like it's Rudy, Romney, and Fred (unless you trust the non-scientific online polls, in which case Ron Paul beats them all). Huckabee seems like a very decent fellow, but he's not gonna win. McCain? The guy who authored that campaign finance reform bill that stabbed the 1st amendment in the heart? Not a chance. He cannot win me over. And let's rule out Ron Paul. Not in wartime at least. Not for me.

So, who has leadership experience? Romney and Rudy. Rudy did a pretty darn good job with New York when he was there and Romney did a remarkable job with Massachusettes as well as his business experience and his redeeming of the SLC olympics. Fred hasn't done a lot of leading (that I know of).

Rudy. If I'm a Republican a number of his positions are going to make me nervous. And I just get the feeling that he's got all these skeletons in the closet that the press is just sitting on... biding their time to see if he gets the nomination. If he does, they'll dump it all on the fan when they think the time is right. Just my impression. But it would definitely influence my primary vote.

Romney seems to be a decent guy. He has made a couple of little gaffes (like the "hunting all my life" thing), but has recovered well from them. He has a record of fine and competent leadership without scandal or corruption. I guess that poll was right. He would be my guy in the primaries.

Note: It's no secret on this board that I'm a "Mormon". Let me declare for the record that I would NOT vote for someone just because he's of the same faith as me. I've told Dawn that if I lived in Nevada, Harry Reid (a Mormon) would never ever get my vote for anything. Again, it's all about the issues and integrity.

How about you good people? Any of you gonna be primary voters? Who would your candidate if you were voting for either party? "Enquiring minds want to know". Or maybe it's just me that would like to know. :)

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:11 am
by YYZ30
Negative- I am from the "unenrolled" camp.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:14 am
by ElfDude
YYZ30 wrote:Negative- I am from the "unenrolled" camp.
As I said, I can't vote in the primaries either. But I'm still curious who you'd choose, and on both sides.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:18 am
by CygnusX1
I'm going for the lesser of 14 evils.....Ron Paul.

Let's get a third party push and wake 'em up! :headbang:

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:37 am
by Big Blue Owl
Rudy seems more human. Obama seems more innocent. Colbert seems like a buddy of mine, and I wouldn't wish the presidency on a friend. I still don't know, but these seem to be people I'm interested in.

I wonder what Hillary smells like? If I could get close enough, I'd smell her hair or skin to get an idea if she is sweet or sour. Then club her over the head and drag her into a cave. Whoa, I'm a freakin' caveman :-)

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:43 am
by ElfDude
Big Blue Owl wrote: I wonder what Hillary smells like?
Something artificial and expensive.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:45 am
by YYZ30
Sorry- I didn't quite catch the "Who I would vote for IF I were enrolled" bit.

Democrat- Obama
GOP- Rudy, sorry Elfie- Romney made a mess of the state I live in right now. And he was governor in absentia the majority of the time. Kerri Healey was running the state.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:46 am
by Walkinghairball
Big Blue Owl wrote:I wonder what Hillary smells like? If I could get close enough, I'd smell her hair or skin to get an idea if she is sweet or sour. Then club her over the head and drag her into a cave. Whoa, I'm a freakin' caveman :-)
That just made me throw up a little. :P

Still unsure on who myself.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:40 am
by ElfDude
YYZ30 wrote: sorry Elfie- Romney made a mess of the state I live in right now.
No need to be sorry. Can you share some details? Perhaps I need an education...

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:02 pm
by YYZ30
ElfDude wrote:
YYZ30 wrote: sorry Elfie- Romney made a mess of the state I live in right now.
No need to be sorry. Can you share some details? Perhaps I need an education...
(quoted per web sources)
Through a combination of tax and fee increases and spending cuts the State had a $700 million surplus by 2006. Romney supported raising various fees by $500 million per year, including raising fees for driver's licenses, marriage licenses, and gun licenses. Romney increased the state gasoline tax by 2 cents per gallon, generating about $60 million per year in additional tax revenue. Romney approved another $181 million in additional business taxes in the next two years; businesses called these changes tax increases, but Romney defended them as the elimination of "loopholes."
Why raise taxes and fee when sitting on a surplus? Also, he cut aid, leaving towns like mine in a lurch to raise taxes $1K a year to make up the loss, or have a skeleton staff of polcie and fire like we do now.

On April 12, 2006, Romney signed the Massachusetts health reform law which mandates nearly all Massachusetts residents to buy health insurance coverage or else face a substantial penalty in the form of an additional income tax assessment. The bill also establishes means-tested state subsidies for people without adequate employer insurance and who make below an income threshold by using funds previously designated to compensate for the health costs of the uninsured. He vetoed 8 sections of the health care legislation, including an employer assessment and provisions providing health coverage to senior and disabled legal immigrants not eligible for federal Medicaid. The legislature overrode all eight vetoes. Romney's communications director Eric Fehrnstrom responded saying "These differences with the Legislature are not essential to the goal of getting everyone covered with insurance."
Illegals getting free health insurance. Why should my hard work support them? I have no issues with coming into this country, legally, like my grandparents did- passing through Ellis Island. No welfare for the illegals. And what about low income single mothers working three jobs? You want them to get insurance too?

He's also against same sex marriage. (I am not- to each his own, and in the privacy of your own bedroom)

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:10 pm
by ElfDude
Thanks for the info.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:16 pm
by YYZ30
ElfDude wrote:Thanks for the info.
Not trying to influence anyone, just educate.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 12:29 pm
by ElfDude
YYZ30 wrote:
ElfDude wrote:Thanks for the info.
Not trying to influence anyone, just educate.
Sure. I've heard lengthy discussions on his healthcare plan. There's some point and counterpoint that can be applied to what you posted.

But I hadn't heard about raising taxes while sitting on a surplus though. Thanks.

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:14 pm
by CygnusX1
Bush said he hasn't seen a budget YET from the Dems that doesn't
have a tax hike on it....hmmmm....

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 1:39 pm
by Big Blue Owl
It's going to be tough to recover from the depths the current Reps have dug us into. Sometimes the medicine in harsh.
Perhaps dems'll stop a 2 billion dollar per week war. That's 1.2 trillion so far. That's a lot of cake. Wouldn't need to tax so much with that kind of savings.