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Original songs/recordings

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 3:46 pm
by Zivo
I was wondering, among the musicians on By-tor's board, if anyone has some recorded originals to share with the class. If anyone is interested I will host your song(s) in MP3 format on my site. There are a few of mine there if you'd like to give a listen.. Warning: MP3 makes music thin and "shishy". The high end is exagerated and wavy, so it's probably best to adjust your settings on your pc so as to not be thoroughly disgusted :)
There is also the live version of Rush playing Fancy Dancer and some Rush-related sound files free for download.

I'll be adding new ones all the time, as allot of my friends have the recording habit as well.

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2004 11:53 pm
by KaelMwithascrubbrush
I've emailed a short jazz piece to your website's email.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 12:50 am
by by-tor
Check out these guys....just make sure you realize that they're there to not only make music, but to make you laugh.....

Lewis (Dr. Milo T. Pinkerton III is a good friend of mine) fact, I'm wearing a COG shirt in my avatar.

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2004 2:46 pm
by Zivo
Hey By-tor! they look hilarious! I can't believe I haven't heard of them before. I'm at work now, but I will check them out thoroughly later. Thanks for the tip!

Hey KaelMwithascrubbrush! Thanks for the submission. I'll ged to work on it tonight (converting to mp3, I hope), and anyone who wants to hear it can download it from Go to the Playground and click on "Music Room". I've been a jazz enthusiast for quite some time. I don't know the artists like I do Classical or metal (or rock), but I love to split my brain and jam on the intricate melodies and time signatures. No vocals needed! Have you listened to any Brand X? I can't ged enough of them.
Thanks again!

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 12:32 am
by KaelMwithascrubbrush
I've heard some Brand X, but not much. I'd like to hear more...just to make sure we're thinking of the same group, that was Phil Collins's short-time gig between different phases of Genesis, right? I sure like his drumming and I like a lot of his work with Genesis and his own stuff up through his second solo album...after that he seems to have forgotten how to write anything but trite pop stuff. Musically, it's interesting pop, but whenever I'm flipping through the radio and hear one of his cheeeeeez pop ballads I have to cry and I think to myself, "This is the guy who wrote "Abacab" and "Lonely Man on the Corner" and "Duke" and "Home by the Sea" and who worked with Peter Gabriel on The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway? Arg! Not all of his solo and post-Gabriel Genesis stuff has been crap...I think "World of Confusion" caught some of that old creative, interesting magic...and his soundtrack to Tarzan was interesting. The guy certainly has a great way with rhythm. Aii, I'll shut up now.

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2004 6:28 am
by Zivo
that was Phil Collins's short-time gig between different phases of Genesis, right?
Yes! And as you say, before the cheese. I can't take the gut-wrenching pop schlock he churns now, but the beginnings of Genesis and this Brand X stuff are both works of art.